Saturday, May 3, 2008

A poem that we all need to consider!

Please read the poem below with the idea that there is a lot that needs to be changed in our world! We have gone to far with what we have become!

Babble on in Babylon

Brimming closets, shoe racks bulge, one in every color, I’ll just indulge.
My wildest whim will oft be met, bigger, faster, give me, get.
Travel on in Babylon.

May I go first? Knew you’d not care, for my time’s precious. You’ve lots to spare.
I’ll slip in front and off I’ll go. See, I’m quite fast and well, you’re quite slow.
I and me fast friends, life-long.Prattle on in Babylon.

Nip it here, just there a lift. I just turned forty, it was a gift.
The eyes, the lips, the bosoms do, sculptured, lasered, injected, too.
No wrinkles left, the tummy’s gone. Journey on in Babylon.

Enough of me, how do you view me?You get one, but give me three.
I couldn’t bare to just say no, it’s my desire and rightly so.
Add another and on and on.Shuffle on in Babylon.

No end in sight that I can see, today is blocked by the mirror in front of me.
A wreck, a death, tsunami tide, it mildly stirs me, I must confide.
TV claims tens of thousands gone. Oh well, let’s see what else is on.
Numb to the stunning sight of each new dawn, Sinking fast in Babylon.

Like a lobster in a pot who begins to like the water hot,I’ve been duped, been tricked, been had, convinced that truth was somehow bad. Evil, coddled and cooed and purred, and beckoned me and called and lured. Now in a place with the lights turned on,

I’m racing home from Babylon.

I’m racing home from Babylon.

--Lynn Parker

Taken from the video series in the study of Daniel. Thank you Beth Moore for speaking the truth and your study of God's word. Praying God's abundant blessing and protection on you, your family and ministry.

Humble Pie!

Hello Everyone out there! I hope life has been treating you well! There is a lot that has been taking place in my life and it is still happening! God is trying to teach me humility right now and being human, I think I am trying to fight it! I so want to be me, but I am quickly learning that a lot of people don't like the "me" I want to be!! I have heard all my life, Shauna you can't say that, you can't do that, change who you are cause nobody likes you. Then I turn around and see everyone doing that which I am being told not to do???? What is up with that!!!??? As my big sister told me, I am held to a different and higher standard than all of those around me, especially unbelievers! I was also thinking since I know I am called to be a missionary to Africa, God expects way more from me than the others that I compare myself to! One thing to remember is that God DOES NOT compare us to each other when He is dealing with us! He expects out of each of us, what He is dealing with in our hearts to be changed according to Him and not in comparrison with others. When we start to compare ourselves we lower our standards and in turn miss out on what God wanted us to learn in the situation that we are going through! In other words we limit and doubt God, which places us out from underneath God's umbrella of protection! We deny Him the right place that He is suppose to have in our hearts! So I said all of this to say that humble pie is very hard to eat, let alone take the first bite, however, it can be done one bite at a time! In order to eat it one bite at a time, you have to allow God to show you how to change and what to change, you cannot and will not be able to do it on your own! Give it to God and it will work!! "In ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight!" Proverbs 3:6 NIV and "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you!" Matthew 6:33.

I hope this has helped someone, because it has helped my tremoundously!

Becoming a better me,
With my heart in His hands,
